In a momentous celebration of cinematic brilliance intertwined with spiritual reverence, director Om Raut, producer Bhushan Kumar and actors – Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and Devdatta Nage along with dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir and music director Ajay-Atul launched the highly anticipated final trailer of the magnum opus at Tirupati. Offering a glimpse into the valor, power and triumph of good over evil that the film embodies, Raghav and the Vanar Sena embark on an extraordinary journey to bring back Janaki, this trailer has further intensified the anticipation for the film's release on 16th June, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the full splendor of Adipurush.
In a magnificent and grand spectacle, Tirupati witnessed the splendid unveiling of the final trailer. The dedication and passion of the team behind this epic tale were evident, as they delivered a power-packed act on the epic followed by an iconic performance of "Jai Shri Ram." The reverberation of these words filled the air, accompanied by dazzling fireworks, enhancing the sense of celebration. The team spoke about how this golden chapter of history remains relevant in today's time, entertaining and educating audiences, especially the youth. However, the true captivator was Prabhas himself! With his immense fan following, he sent the crowd into frenzy, adding to the excitement of the occasion. The anticipation among fans soared as they eagerly awaited glimpses of Prabhas portraying the mighty Raghav on the silver screen.
The anticipation surrounding this epic saga is rising high, as fans and enthusiasts eagerly await the film's release. The collective efforts of the team promise a cinematic experience that will leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of viewers. With each passing day, the excitement swells, as the extraordinary tale of Adipurush draws nearer, ready to enrapture audiences with its extraordinary tale of love, loyalty, and devotion.
Adipurush, directed by Om Raut and produced by T-Series, Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar, and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles, Pramod and Vamsi of UV Creations is scheduled to release worldwide on June 16, 2023.
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