In the picturesque village of
Esan Malai, resided Venkat, an unmarried postman who had reached the age of 33.
His bachelorhood stemmed from his dedication to a job posting in the remote
hill station, a commitment that held him back from pursuing marriage. Seeking a
change, Venkat approached his superior, expressing his desire for a transfer.
Compassionately, his chief acknowledged his wish but emphasized Venkat's
vital role in the village's fabric.
Despite his unfulfilled
aspiration, Venkat diligently carried out his daily routines, diligently
delivering letters and engaging with the villagers. A notable deviation
occurred when he encountered an unconventional letter intended for Mariammal,
an elderly woman living atop a distant hill. Driven by determination, Venkat
embarked on a challenging expedition to ensure the letter's delivery. This
journey led him to a secluded village where Mariammal resided. Handing her the
letter, Venkat became privy to Mariammal's poignant tale of surviving solely on
a meager government pension.
Kaali Venkat, who had also sought a transfer due to life's
pressures, back in Esan Malai, a
man named Murthy became enraptured by an elderly storyteller's account, finding
remarkable parallels between the narrative and his own life journey.
The movie's cinematography is impressive, and the background music adds to
the enjoyment. While most of the cast delivers good performances, there is an
exception with Kali Venkat. The storyline appears relatable to the general
audience, but the title might not be easily understandable for everyone,
showcasing a unique and appreciable creative effort.
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