Chithha Movie
"Chithha" appears to
be expressive with a rural setting, directed by Arunkumar and featuring
Siddharth Narayan in a prominent role. The film revolves around the
relationship between Siddharth's character and his 8-year-old niece, Chitha,
resulting in the death of his brother. The Chitha, played by Siddharth,
provides unwavering care and protection to the niece.
The film's premise takes a
tragic turn when a distressing incident occurs in Chithha's life. An incident
sets off a series of events that plunge the characters into misperception,
leading Chithha on a journey to find his beloved niece amidst the chaos.
It seems that the movie explores
themes of child abuse and murder, with a focus on uncovering the truth behind
these heinous crimes. The initial suspicion falls on Chithha, but as the story
unfolds, it becomes clear that there may be multiple culprits involved. This
creates an element of mystery and suspense as the narrative progresses.
Siddharth's emotional
storytelling in the rural setting is commendable, although there are some slight
slipups in the plot that may require and stuffed with modification. The
evolving narrative involving diverse suspects adds complexity to the story,
keeping the audience engaged as they try to piece together the puzzle of what
really happened.
Overall, "Chithha"
appears to be a film that combines emotional depth with elements of thriller
and mystery. It explores the protective bond between an uncle and his niece
while delving into darker themes related to child exploitation and murder. It
is worth watching.
Initially, the film was targeted
with one man as a culprit. Chithha’s niece and her friend (Ponni) were studying
in the same school and they planning to go out of the school to see Deer. ,
Unfortunately, Ponni was getting child abused by a strange man and she returned and then was under treatment. But Ponni’s family members
suspect Easwaran (Chithha). Later, an unknown 11-year-old girl was abused and
murdered in a brutal manner. Next, a targeted child is Chthha’s niece and she
was also abused by a strange man. Finally, the stranger was not one man,
changed the culprit for Ponni was a dissimilar man, and Chithha’s niece was
ill-treated by the distinctive person. The film is set with one man as a
wrongdoer, once the girl Ponni returns. The felons became multiple.
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