Por Movie Review:
"Por" takes audiences on a journey deep into the intricacies of friendship, set amidst the lively atmosphere of a college festival. Directed by Bejoy Nambiar, the film explores the complex dynamics between two friends whose paths diverge, leading to fierce competition between them.
College life, typically characterized by camaraderie and celebration, also harbors tensions and rivalries among different groups of students. Director Bejoy Nambiar chooses to delve into this aspect, highlighting the emergence of enmity within the campus environment in "Por."
While the film introduces some fresh elements to the narrative, it traverses terrain familiar to many other campus tales. The abundance of characters featured in "Por" somewhat dilutes the essence of the story, leading to a less focused narrative.
Despite the thematic necessity for conflict ("por") within the storyline, none of the confrontations result in a clear victory, leaving the audience yearning for a more definitive resolution. This aspect might leave viewers feeling somewhat unsatisfied with the overall trajectory of the film.
In terms of performances, Arjun Das, Kalidas Jayaram (sporting a new beefed-up persona), and Sanchana Natarajan deliver commendable portrayals, bringing depth and authenticity to their characters. The musical score by Sid Sriram complements the college theme with its modern sounds and rhythms, adding to the film's atmosphere. However, "Por" struggles to fully capture the attention of the audience, lacking the vitality and intensity needed to sustain engagement throughout its runtime.
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