The story centers around
Kalyanam, whose father, who lives in a village in the Tiruvannamalai
district, dreams of joining a Koothu troupe (Jama) and becoming an actor. Along
with another character, Thandavan, he becomes involved in the troupe. However,
Thandavan gradually pushes Kalyanam’s father aside, takes control of the Jama, and
becomes a notorious figure. This betrayal and the subsequent decline in his
father's fortunes lead to Kalyanam’s father’s death.
Following his father's
death, Kalyanam decides to join Thandavan's Jama and begins performing in the
traditional Mahabharata Koothu. He takes on the role of Draupadi, a female
character, and his continuous portrayal of this role leads to a shift in his identity.
His appearance, behavior, and mannerisms begin to reflect the femininity of the
character, leading the townspeople to mock him. His altered identity makes it
difficult for him to find a woman willing to marry him, which causes Kalyanam
to reflect on the impact of his role.
Believing that his
portrayal of Draupadi is the reason for his struggles, Kalyanam decides to take
on the role of Arjuna, a male character, in an attempt to reclaim his masculine
identity. However, Thandavan continues to undermine him, leading to further
conflict. The story delves into Kalyanam's internal and external battles as he
tries to navigate his complex identity, societal expectations, and the dynamics
of the Jama, all while seeking acceptance and fulfilment in his life.
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