Natural Star Nani who is basking under the glory of a string of consecutive hits across various genres completed hat-trick blockbusters with Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. He is set to embark on a new journey for another milestone with his 32nd movie. The film was announced officially today through a gripping glimpse, offering a sneak peek into Nani’s character. It’s HIT: The 3rd Case to be helmed by Dr Sailesh Kolanu with Prashanti Tipirneni of Wall Poster Cinema, in association with Unanimous Productions bankrolling it.
The clip named Hunter’s Command begins on an intriguing note with a HIT officer driving a car in the snowy mountains and a couple of police officers chasing him. The tension escalates as one officer warns the other that the HIT officer is in danger. The officer informs that the HIT officer himself is a danger and his name is Arjun Sarkaar. The video concluded on a high note with Arjun Sarkaar saying get set and go.
Nani appears stylish and fierce with bloody hands and an axe while smoking a cigar, and driving the car. His portrayal of Arjun Sarkaar is both striking and authoritative. The character’s name Arjun Sarkaar sounds as powerful as his character in the movie.
Directed by Dr. Sailesh Kolanu, who previously helmed successful installments in the HIT franchise, HIT: The 3rd Case is anticipated to be even more ambitious. The teaser showcases the film’s stylish, grand, and intense nature.
The visuals captured by the eminent cinematographer Sanu John Varghese are breathtaking, while Mickey J Meyer who as become very selective heightened the intensity with his pulsating score. Karthika Srinivas R is the editor, while Sri Nagendra Tangala is the production designer.
The Hunter’s Command is truly amazing and has made us curious to know how intense Arjun Sarkaar’s character is going to be in the third instalment of HIT series.*
The makers through the video announced that HIT 3 will be hitting the theatres in the summer on May 1, 2025.
Cast: Nani
Technical Crew:
Writer & Director: Dr. Sailesh Kolanu
Producer: Prashanti Tipirneni
Banners: Wall Poster Cinema, Unanimous Productions
DoP: Sanu John Varghese
Music Director: Mickey J Meyer
Editor: Karthika Srinivas R
Production Designer: Sri Nagendra Tangala
Executive Producer: S Venkatarathnam (Venkat)
Sound Mix: Suren G
Line Producer: Abhilash Mandhadhpu
Chief Co-Director: Venkat Maddirala
Costume Designer: Nani Kamarusu
SFX: Sync Cinema
VFX Supervisor: VFX DTM
DI: B2h Studios
Colourist: S Raghunath Varma
PRO: Yuvraaj
Marketing: First Show
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