Natural Star Nani, known for his versatile roles, is all set to surprise his fans once again with his upcoming project. After the massive success of Dasara, which showcased Nani in a raw, rugged, and intense character, he is collaborating once again with director Srikanth Odela and producer Sudhakar Cherukuri of SLV Cinemas for the much-awaited second venture, #NaniOdela2. The film was officially launched during Dussehra, and today, the team revealed the intriguing title, The Paradise.
The title, while seemingly serene, contrasts sharply with the intense and gritty theme suggested by the film's poster. The poster of guns, bloodshed, and the iconic Charminar points to a power-packed story where violence and power play pivotal roles. It’s clear that Nani’s character in this film will be far more intense and larger-than-life, promising an action-packed experience for the audience.
This pan-India film also marks the third collaboration between Nani and music sensation Anirudh Ravichander, following their successful associations in Jersey and Gangleader. With a gripping screenplay penned by Srikanth Odela, The Paradise promises to offer a never-before-seen avatar of Nani, one that is both ferocious and compelling. The actor is undergoing a significant transformation for this role, preparing for his most intense performance to date.
Producer Sudhakar Cherukuri is fully invested in bringing this ambitious vision to life, with a massive budget allocated for the film, making it Nani’s most expensive project so far.
The rest of the cast and crew will be revealed soon, but with such a strong team in place, The Paradise is already generating huge anticipation.
Cast: Nani
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director: Srikanth Odela
Producer: Sudhakar Cherukuri
Banner: SLV Cinemas
Music: Anirudh Ravichander
PRO: Yuvraaj
Marketing: First Show
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