Produced by renowned Kannada production house Sarvata Cini Garage, known for films like Thuthu Madike, and Shimoga Creations, a leading Malayalam film production company behind hits like Veerappan, Sooryavamsi, Vanku (Production), Nalla Samayam (Distribution), and the upcoming Rudhiram (Creative Producer), the dialogues and direction for Sannidhanam (P.O) is done by Amutha Sarathi. The film is jointly produced by Madhu Rao, V Vivekanandan and Shabeer Pathan.
The star cast features versatile Tamil actor Yogi Babu, who has left a mark with his performances in over 170 films, Rupesh Shetty, one of Kannada cinema's leading heroes, and Varsha Viswanath in lead roles. The Supporting cast includes Sithara, Pramod Shetty, Munnar Ramesh, Gajaraj, Raja Rudrakodi, Satwik, Ashwin Hassan, Vinoth Sagar, Kalki Raja, Vishalini, Thashmika Lakshman and Madhu Rao, among others.
The film has been extensively shot across iconic locations such as the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple, Pamba, and Erumeli in Kerala, as well as Chennai and Pollachi in Tamil Nadu. The shooting is now in its final stages of post production.
The story revolves around an unexpected incident faced by devotees traveling to Sabarimala, and the events they encounter as a result. Rooted in human emotions, Sannidhanam (P.O) promises to be a narrative-driven film with a strong emphasis on storytelling.
The script and screenplay are written by Ajinu Ayyappan, with music composed by Arun Raj. The cinematography is handled by Vinoth Bharathi, while PK takes charge of editing. The art direction is managed by Vijay Thennarasu, stunts are choreographed by Metro Mahesh, and dance choreography by Joy Mathi. Costume design is by Nataraj, lyrics by Mohan Rajan.
Sannidhanam (P.O) is being made as a pan-Indian film in Tamil, Kannada, Tulu, Telugu, and Malayalam. The film is slated for a Summer 2025 release. Official announcements on the release date will be made soon.
Yogi Babu, Roopesh Shetty, Sithara, Pramod Shetty, Varsha Viswanath, Munnar Ramesh, Gajaraj, Raja Rudrakodi, Sathvick, Ashwin Hassan, Vinod Sagar, Kalki Raja, Vishalini, Thashmika Lakshman, Madhu Rao.
Dialogues & Direction - Amutha Sarathy
Story & Script - Ajinu Ayyappan
Producers - Madhu Rao, V Vivekanandan & Shabeer Pathan
Banner - Sarvata Cine Garage & Shimoga Creations
DOP - Vinod Bharathi
Music - Arun Raj
Editor - P.K
Art Director - Vijay Thennarasu
Co - Directors - Shakki Ashok & Sujesh Annie Eapen
Stunt - Metro Mahesh
Lyricist - Mohan Raja
Dance Choreographer - Joy Mathy
Costume Designer - Nadaraj
Make Up - C Shibukumar
Production Controller - Richard & D Murugan
Executive Producer - Vilok Shetty
Associate Directors - Muthu Vijayan, Raja Sabapathy, Raja Ram
Assistant Directors - Agni Mahendran, Saravanan Jeeva
Designer - VM Shivakumar
Stills - Reni Mon
PRO - Riaz K Ahmed & Paras Riyaz
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